The SPEAKHER Podcast
It’s one thing to say, “I am creative”. But how did you get there? Every creative has a journey and that story needs to be heard. We live in a virtual space where entrepreneurs highlight the best moments of life. But, how did do survive the worst moments? The Speak[Her] Podcast is a safe space for entrepreneurs, creators, and innovators to connect, encourage, and share their journeys, transparently and without judgment.
The Speak[Her] Podcast is the podcast where creators and innovators connect.
Email: thespeakherpodcast@gmail.com | IG @camille.essick | FB @speakherpodcast
The SPEAKHER Podcast
Celebrity stylist, educator, and author, Recondius O'Brien is back as we sit down to discuss proximity, bringing our entire person into the entire space, and so much more!
FB @thespeakherpodcast | IG @camille.essick | camilleessick.com
YT: CamilleEssick
"Where Innovators & Creators Connect".
**I do not own the rights to this music.**